
IRS Announces 5 Tax Credits: That Could Put More Money in Your Pocket!

The IRS has announced five important tax credits for the 2025 tax year, including the Child Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit, and Adoption Tax Credit. Eligible taxpayers can claim up to $7,830 with the EITC and $2,000 per child under the CTC. Learn how to maximize your refund and reduce your tax bill by visiting

By Nikhil Yadav
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IRS Announces 5 Tax Credits
IRS Announces 5 Tax Credits

IRS Announces 5 Tax Credits: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced five significant tax credits for the 2025 tax year that can help taxpayers reduce their liability and potentially boost their refunds. Understanding these tax credits, their eligibility requirements, and the application process can help you make the most of these financial opportunities.

IRS Announces 5 Tax Credits

Tax CreditMaximum AmountKey EligibilityOfficial Resource
Child Tax Credit (CTC)$2,000 per childDependents under 17; income limits applyIRS – CTC
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)Up to $7,830Low-to-moderate-income workers; varies by family sizeIRS – EITC
Adoption Tax CreditUp to $17,280Qualified adoption expenses requiredIRS – Adoption
Child and Dependent Care CreditUp to $6,000For childcare expenses while workingIRS – Dependent
Premium Tax Credit (PTC)Varies by incomeAvailable for health insurance purchased via the MarketplaceIRS – PTC

The IRS’s updated tax credits for 2025 provide valuable financial support for millions of Americans. By understanding each credit’s eligibility requirements, payment details, and application process, taxpayers can maximize their refunds and reduce their tax bills. Stay informed, keep detailed records, and visit the official IRS website for the latest updates and resources.

Detailed Breakdown of 2025 Tax Credits

1. Child Tax Credit (CTC)

The Child Tax Credit offers eligible parents and guardians a credit of up to $2,000 per child under the age of 17. For 2025, up to $1,700 of this amount is refundable, meaning eligible taxpayers can receive a refund even if they owe no taxes.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The child must be under 17 years old at the end of 2025.
  • The taxpayer must claim the child as a dependent.
  • The child must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resident alien.
  • The taxpayer’s income must fall within the qualifying thresholds.

2. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

The Earned Income Tax Credit is designed to support low-to-moderate-income workers. For 2025, the maximum credit is $7,830 for families with three or more qualifying children.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must have earned income from employment or self-employment.
  • Investment income must be below $11,000.
  • The amount of credit depends on filing status, income, and family size.

3. Adoption Tax Credit

Families who adopt children may qualify for the Adoption Tax Credit, which covers up to $17,280 in qualified adoption expenses per child.

Eligible Expenses Include:

  • Court costs
  • Attorney fees
  • Travel expenses
  • Other costs directly related to the adoption process

This credit is non-refundable, meaning it can reduce your tax liability to zero but won’t generate a refund.

4. Child and Dependent Care Credit

The Child and Dependent Care Credit helps taxpayers who incur childcare costs while working or seeking employment. For 2025, the maximum allowable expenses are $3,000 for one qualifying individual and $6,000 for two or more.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The dependent must be under age 13 or physically/mentally unable to care for themselves.
  • The taxpayer must have earned income during the year.

5. Premium Tax Credit (PTC)

The Premium Tax Credit is designed to help individuals and families afford health insurance purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace. The credit amount varies based on household income and family size.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must enroll in a Marketplace health plan.
  • Household income must fall between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level.

Steps to Maximize Your Tax Credits

To ensure you take full advantage of these credits, follow these steps:

  • Check Your Eligibility Early: Use the IRS’s Interactive Tax Assistant to assess your qualification.
  • Maintain Accurate Records: Keep receipts, invoices, and relevant documentation for childcare, adoption, and healthcare expenses.
  • File Electronically: E-filing reduces errors and expedites refunds.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consult a certified tax professional to ensure no potential credits are overlooked.


1. Can I claim multiple tax credits in one year?

Yes, eligible taxpayers can combine multiple credits to maximize their tax benefits. For instance, a taxpayer may claim both the CTC and the EITC if they meet the criteria.

2. How do I claim the Premium Tax Credit?

You can claim the PTC when you file your Form 8962 with your tax return. Ensure you reconcile any advance payments you received.

3. Is the Child Tax Credit refundable?

Partially. Up to $1,700 of the CTC is refundable, which means you may receive that portion as a refund even if you owe no taxes.

4. What happens if I miss the EITC income limit by a small margin?

If your income slightly exceeds the limit, certain deductions or adjustments might bring you back under the threshold. A tax professional can help identify potential options.

5. Can non-citizens claim these credits?

Yes, in certain cases. Individuals with a valid Social Security Number (SSN) who meet other criteria may qualify for some credits.

Nikhil Yadav

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